Four married guys go fishing…

Four married friends went on a fishing trip. After an hour, their conversation turned to the compromises they made to be there. The first guy shared, “I…

A boss says to his secretary..

A boss tells his secretary, “We are traveling abroad for the week, so make arrangements.” The secretary calls her husband, “My boss and I will be traveling…

What does this guy have to do to stay alive?

I Bet 99.99% Will Fail!What does this guy have to do to stay alive? Good luck and pass it on!SOLUTION: Advantages Of Riddles: Get A Conclusion Why…

Lazy Husband Got The Worst End

Lazy Husband Gets His Due A lazy husband refused to help his wife with household chores. When asked to tidy the garden, he retorted, “Do I look…


Brilliant Wife! (Funny Story) A wife finds a note from her husband on the fridge one morning: Husband’s Note “My dear wife, You will surely understand that…

Customer Is Always Right.

Boss: (Shouting) Little Johnny, come to my office immediately. Little Johnny: Yes, sir! Boss: Little Johnny, I noticed you arguing with the customer who just left. I’ve told you before…

Young Man Notices A Lady Following Him

Young Man Notices a Lady Following Him A young man in a supermarket noticed an elderly woman following him and staring. When she finally approached him at…

So I am at Walmart scanning and bagging my almost $300

So I am at Walmart scanning and bagging my almost $300 worth of groceries while the employee that wants $15 an hour “monitors” and then this happened….

The Meaning Behind Shoes Strung Up On A Power Line

Sneakers on Power Lines: Unraveling the Mystery The sight of sneakers hanging from power lines may seem peculiar, but it sparks curiosity and speculation. Some suggest it…

Little Johnny Asked A Lot Of Questions To His Teacher

Curious Johnny Little Johnny, a seventh-grader, often bombarded his teacher with questions. One day, he asked his English teacher, “Why do we ignore some letters in pronunciation,…