This supermodel’s beautiful face graced all the magazine covers. Check her out at 53 years old

Claudia Schiffer, born in West Germany in 1970, transformed from a shy teenager aspiring to be a lawyer into one of the most iconic supermodels in history. Discovered at 17, her resemblance to Brigitte Bardot and her collaboration with Karl Lagerfeld quickly launched her into stardom.

She became the face of Chanel and graced the covers of major magazines like Vogue and Elle. In the 1990s, Schiffer was among the top supermodels, alongside Naomi Campbell and Cindy Crawford, known for her ability to embody both high fashion and commercial appeal. Beyond modeling, she appeared in films like “Richie Rich” and launched her own clothing and fragrance lines, showcasing her versatility.

Married to British film director Matthew Vaughn since 2002, Claudia balances family life and philanthropy. Her legacy in fashion continues to inspire, with a career that has spanned over three decades.

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