Group Of Men Gather In The Mountains To Sing ‘You Raise Me Up’ Will Give You Chills

College Singers Elevate Josh Groban’s Hit to New Heights with Acapella Mastery

An acapella rendition can bring new depth to any song, especially when performed by skilled vocalists. Brigham Young University’s (BYU) Vocal Point breathes fresh life into Josh Groban’s 2003 hit, “You Raise Me Up.” Their version highlights the song’s inspirational lyrics and showcases their vocal talents.

BYU Vocal Point’s Ascent to Acapella Fame

Founded in 1991 by students Dave Boyce and Bob Ahlander, BYU Vocal Point quickly gained campus popularity. Their debut concert sold out, and they’ve since earned numerous accolades. In December 2018, they signed a record deal with Decca Gold. Member Jason Bromley reflected, “We’re ordinary college students doing extraordinary things.”

“You Raise Me Up” Music Video: A Scenic Vocal Journey

The music video features a stunning mountain backdrop. It starts with a single voice, soon joined by harmonies, creating a rich, layered sound. The group’s bright and pure voices are enhanced by impressive vocal percussive sounds. Their performance, set in a tranquil landscape, illustrates the power of music to transport listeners.

A Unique and Harmonious Rendition

BYU Vocal Point’s harmonies blend seamlessly, making it difficult to distinguish lead singers. Their rendition is refreshingly original, not just an imitation. They add a new hook towards the end, enhancing the harmonies. The finale, featuring a choir of additional students, creates a powerful conclusion.

This exceptional version of “You Raise Me Up” by BYU Vocal Point is bound to become a favorite. Enjoy this unique and uplifting performance.

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